Thursday, April 28, 2011

Long Form Republican Membership Certification

Donald Trump might be the GOP front runner at the moment, but it is likely due more to his celebrity status and his recently trumped (excuse the pun) birther "success", of which he takes full credit than actual political support.  Meanwhile, in the real world, his credentials are being questioned by legitimate politicians, namely Sen. Rand Paul.  Coming off the heels of yesterday's news, Paul has asked to see the long form certificate of Trumps Republican Party membership.  Poking fun at Trump's political flip-flopping is nothing new, but it is coming from the GOP who have let their message be overrun as of late with bad policy and bad spokesmen (or carnival barkers).  Distracted from the debt debt much?


  1. I can post anonymously? Sweet ass. Prepare for the shit storm!

  2. Yea, Anon, I figured allowing it would give me more reliable feedback.

  3. Now that we're in the future a bit, we can look back at the current front-runners. I am still not happy - all of these guys look like industry insiders who will not actually represent the front-runners. Honestly, I'd like to see Buddy Roemer (currently not pulling enough support to be allowed to debate) rise to the top. I want a candidate that I can believe is not just another crony capitalist!
